Thursday, April 3, 2008

Oprah Show on Puppy Mills

I just received this email from the Humane Society of the United States describing an episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show that will be airing tomorrow, Friday the 4th, in which Lisa Ling exposes puppy mills. Wayne Pacelle, the President and CEO of the HSUS will also be making an appearance.

I would not recommend watching this with small children, but if you can handle it, I urge everyone to watch it. It's going to be disgusting and horrific, and I'm sure I will be crying my way through it :/ but it worries me that people don't realize how far these despicable people go to produce animals SOLELY TO MAKE MONEY. I find it an absolute shame to the human race that people can treat an animal like a reproduction machine, allowing the animals to exist in a cramped world of nothing but pain and filth. If you are purchasing a pet from a pet store, it likely came from a puppy mill. "Puppy mills" are also not restricted to puppies - I would hesitate before purchasing any species or breed from a pet store.

I once tried contacting a local news station to do a story on puppy mills after seeing some puppies in very poor health conditions at a pet store. Working with a local rescue group, I exchanged numerous emails with a reporter, even giving her directions to a rumored puppy mill, but nothing ever came from it. I am so happy that Oprah, with her fame and influence, is giving a platform to an issue that seems to be "out of sight, out of mind." It is such a needless, pointless, inhumane crime committed by greedy, cruel people.

(see my Thoughts After Oprah post for more info)

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